Monday, March 26, 2007

Azoogle vs Google vs Adbrite

I was working for google some months and I saw that almost everything is forbiden there. Google advertisers are paying a lot of money for clicks, but you should use no tricks. No imaginations in your ads. But advertisers recieve target traffic. So for your business that is a pretty good place to post and pay for ads.
On the other side is azoogle. This is PPA service, that gives you opportunity to use all of your skills to advertise some actions to your visitors. That is good for advertisers, that will recieve actions that are paying for. Good is for publishers that will make everything to advertise.
And third advertising network I will talk about, is adbrite. I like this network, because there is large things undiscovered for people. I think there is a large places for advertising. And two times I have found really perfect advertising places, with USA traffic, 1-2 USD/monthly advertising slot.
Choose your best!
And also have a look at my advertising places left of this...

About e-mail advertising

I read on that e-mail adverttising is free and absolutely low cost solution.
For online business you will be better is you follow the rules. So e-mail advertising and spam is forbiden in some countries. I didn't know but learnt from a friend of mine, that for example in Germany it is outlaw. So you better be careful with this advertising.
I don't like it, and I think it is not proper solution. Why?
First of all, it is spaming user e-mails. I recieve thousands of newsletters on my e-mail every day and I don't read them. I think 99.99% from these ads are just a spam, and more of them there is no place to unsubscribe. So if you want to create a newsletter of your own business you better be very careful on what kind of people you are sending your e-mails and to make it at most user friendly as you can. Also put an unsubscribe working address, on easy to find place.
Second I don't think it is helpful to users. Promoting (by spaming) of products by internet is absolutely flood, and more people even don't read the ads. So you are losing money, time and a lot of nervous.
Try to build the most user friendly newsletter, and you will have a success.

USA traffic

If you wonder what kind of traffic to buy, see my advices.
I have used a lot of types of traffic in my work. From the begining I bought a traffic from Bulgaria, Serbia, Singapour, China and so on. You may find a lof ot cheap traffic to your website, but it is not target.
Also there is the opportunity to post an ad like "Erotic Bulgarian girls" or "Hardcore on the yacht" and to put the link of some kind of finance website of something like. You will get nearly 10 to 20 times more traffic to your website, than if you post the ad of "Financial Information". This traffic is not target, and you will not earn anything from it.
I think that your best choice is USA ot Western Europe traffic to your website with absolutely legal (and as much exact ad as you may write). This will be a target traffic of your website, and you may earn from it.
I have signed that USA traffic raises my profits more than 3-4 times, than China and India ones.
So check very carefully what ads you buy, and they may bring to you a lot of money. I bought a monthly ad to USA site with USA traffic for 1.50$. You will find many similar websites to promote your business.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Editorial Integrity vs Maximum Ad Revenue

Information of:
That is the exact thing I wrote yeasterday. Worse website would bring you a lot of money. If you are situated to a place of this man, who has its own level of website and wants to keep it, and also website user friendly, you will understand this.
Tha is interesting post about this problem, and you should read it:


So what is arbitrage? This is a science of buying and selling ads. Just like on the market. You buy cheap ads and sell expensive ones.
So if you are using Google Adsense or some other kind of programs, you have two ways of developing. First is to make a large site and to try to make it popular. This will cost a lot of time and work, but once made this site will work perfectly and will make a lot of money for you. Second way is arbitrage. You have small website and buy ads for it for less money you may and your site will sell ads as much as possible on larger price than they were bought. If you stop advertising of your website you will lose your business. Easy way of making money, but you should be careful what kind of ads are you buying. Try to concentrate mostly to user friendly ads, and with traffic from USA, UK and western Europe.
I'll describe more carefully this on my next posts

Adwords tricks

When you post ads to adwords, they on regular print. Most of the people searching to google are not interested by ads posted right on the website. But if they are bold, they may pay attention to them, and to visit your website. This means that if your ad is posted on the second or third place will have more clicks and CTR.
This happens with one silly code: {Keyword:}
This will bold your keyword, and you better use this code to the certain word.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Worse websites - more money

What I mean? Have you ever visited a website with almnost nothing about it?
I have visited more than thousand websites of this kind. I often close the windows and continue with my internet surfing. But not always. When the site is bad, and have no information the percent of clicks of you ads if growing. Why? I will answer to your wuestion. When ppeople have nothing to see on your website they are just searching for a link to click on it, and they this this is a click of articles of your site. I have signed that when I made a good deign and write a lot of information the percent of my ads clicking is decreasing to 5 times, and due to this mu eCPM if decreasing and money I get are less.

Shoemoney about

You may see interesting tehnique of offline internet marketing of your products.
Do you believe something like this will work or not, but psychological tricks are very popular in internet advertising.
That is why I offer this issue to your attention.

Makde money with Google Adsense

If you want to make money from your website, you better make a choice to Google Adsense program. You should read careful right of Google, before starting, and note that google is very serious partner of you. You will get your cheques at time, and recieve your money quickly. Also they are giving more money than everywhere.
Just work on white secor and everything will be ok for you.

Google Adwords

If you are interesting to use internet marketing and advertising you better see Google Adwords. This is a program that will provide you absolutely target traffic to your website.
The basic of the program is paying to search engine "Google" to show your ad in certain searched word. So if you have a firm of Real Estates, and you are selling a house "near Varna with laminated floor 50 meters from the beach" you may target your traffic to the exact phrase "Varna laminated floor 50 meters beach" and to bid 1$ (just for example). This means that everyone that search on that exact phrase will see your ad, and for everyone that clicks to your ad you will pay 1$. Now when I'm writing this issue, there are 4 ads that are shown on that phrase. If you pay 1$ you may be from the firsts. This brings to your website absolutely target traffic. For this ad you should give URL to exact offer. People that come to your offer will be interested from exact offer and if it is really good, they will make a request.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Information about me

That is my first post on that blog.
As I said my name is Svilen Petrov, and I'm on 23 years. I'm living in Varna, Bulgaria. I can talk too much about me, but prime label of this blog is my work.
I'm working in sphere of internet advertising and public relations.
And in fact what is my wok?
If you want to promote your bussiness in internet or you want to grow up, you need some advertising manager. And that is my place in he whole scheme. I may advertise your bussiness and your website for a little money, and you will grow as much as you want. Also I may provide you absolutely target traffic to your website, that will grow your bussiness.
In very short text that is my work, and this is what I'm doing.
In this website(or blog) I'll talk about advertising, and will publish some advertising schemes and interesting advices. I'll try to help everyone that wants to start his work in Internet advertising sphere.
That's were my first words.
I'll try to write as much as possible.